Monday, November 11, 2013

Somewhere along the line, we lost our way. We became scared of what others would think of us.  We overthought ourselves and became too critical of how we thought we would look in the eyes of potential clients.  

We didn't lose our ability to be creative.  We lost our ability to be brave enough to let that creativity shine through. At some point, we decided what was acceptable in our marketing, our image, our brand, and our businesses, and we based it off of a fear of being labeled as an outcast or outsider....or even worse, unprofessional. 

But in our rush to fit all of us into one tiny box, we forgot something very important....people like to smile!  All of us love to be given a reason to smile!  People love to feel emotions, and people base their general decisions off of emotion. 

So feel free to step out on your creative limb.  It might feel funky. It might feel like its not the "norm".  You might worry about how you will be perceived. But that's ok.  I promise that the more risks you take in your everyday life, you will find that people in general will connect with you in ways that you never would have noticed if you would have stayed "inside the box".  

Last week, I made this stupid little video. I don't think that anyone is going to call me to list their home because of this video. At least, not yet....but, I promise it will make a few people smile. And that is much more effective than a mail campaign that gets tossed in the trash any day of the week. 

The RockinRealtyGuy
Robert Wagener, Current Realty
Tel: 618.578.ROCK (7625)

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